Are the Prices Right?

Olufemi Balogun
7 min readJul 3, 2020


You know that thing they do in movies and TV Shows, where they give a hint about what is going to happen eventually and then they still manage to pull it off as the greatest plot twist of the century? And we’d all go OH mY!!! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING? Yes that thing. What if that’s why algebra exists in our world. Something that has been there since the birth of our consciousness, manifesting itself in different forms,

a + b = c

babyfood + sleep = The Good Life

Till Day Break + Morning Till Night = A grades

Netflix + Chill = Flexing the Good Life

Yes, I know, some Math tests usually ended in hot tears. But we all have to forgive and forget. It’s the small price to pay.

But what if that is what this has been all along, a math test? Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but hey! don’t take my word for it, in fact what do I know? I don’t even rate myself enough to begin with. I imagine I would need a Magical Mirror on a Wall, to talk to give me the actual rating of myself.

A Mirror on a wall, to give me an honest rating about myself, doesn’t seem like a bad idea. But it does start to sound redundant when you realise All you need a Mirror for is basically reflection, and you can do that to yourself, … something something self reflection.

Although this is starting to sound like a good idea, I just can’t shake off this feeling of a ticking time bomb, some form of anxiety, tearing me up from the inside out, As i crawl under my bed, asking myself these questions over and over again, Why don’t I rate myself, What If i wanted to evaluate my story so far, how would I do that, How do I give myself the best possible evaluation.

Luckily, a certain Rob Dial made some comments, that I find useful and worth sharing, so here goes:

This is an attempted attempt at providing a means of self evaluation, the ideas here, are somewhat unconventional, but I really enjoyed doing this and I found it quite effective and soothing, without really giving space for more overwhelming anxiety attacks So if you are reading this, then that means there is hope for humanity after all. So, I am using this Medium to reach out to you(See what I did there).

While I’m not sure of the adverse effect of this and I sincerely hope the degree of skewness from effectiveness of this said form of evaluation is greatly reduced.

I believe my opinion in this matter is of no great use, but should an iota of this unpopular opinion be considered to be of some form of importance, then I believe that what my opinions are, if it could be represented numerically would be a point or two short of what you’d eventually end up with.

Believe me, this is not some elaborate scheme to save you from the impending tears that this could possibly end in. but I hope in due time, you’d move from “I can’t can” to “I can can”. IN FACT, I BELIEVE IT’S JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE YOU REALISE THAT YOU TOO CAN CAN CAN. Sorry, just a little wordplay, I couldn’t help myself.

I believe that in everything we do, which is a reflection of the life we live, set out to live or want to live, there’s always a PRICE to pay, well “PRICES”, if we need to be more specific.

So yes, I, an individual, who doesn’t rate anyone is sharing some tips on how to self evaluate. That is, assuming you’re not already aware of this concept.

Funny, we are talking about Self Evaluation, a form of test, so that means this is just another course that we need to 7-point.

This should be fun!

So yes, there are Prices to be paid, more specifically, P.R.I.C.E.S, which clearly defines the areas of your life, with as clear distinction as is needed. The idea is to score yourself on the scale of 1 to 10 in each of the following areas of PRICES: Physical, Relationships, Intellectuality, Career, Emotion and Spirituality, as explained below, please try and be as generous as you can.

Physical: This involves your physical well being, the amount of time spent on developing yourself physically, with favourable results, from your personal hygiene to healthy food consumption, hair-do, etc. This is basically, a record of the amount of deliberateness put into yourself, physically, and yes this is coming from someone whose head in the space of almost 4 months has forgotten what clippers are meant for. The irony of this is that in a bid to improve myself, well, um, physically, and in the most natural way possible, has led me to a sprained muscles, and general limb soreness, so much for no pain no gain workout routines. Quarantine ain’t got nothing on me.
So consider these, and give yourself a score on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10, the highest. P.S, MY HAIR IS EXACTLY HOW I WANT IT.

Relationships: Boy am I glad about the presence of the ‘s’ behind the relationship because people somehow get carried away with relationships, Gee! I wonder why. This refers to your dealings with those around you. Friends, Family, co-workers, colleagues, employers, employees, etc. So the same thing is applicable here, consider this and give yourself a score in this area.

Intellectuality: This has nothing to do with your IQ, no one cares about that, I wonder why the world tries to make it a big deal. This involves the level of deliberateness that you attach to improve yourself on an intellectual level, an attempt at exposure to knowledge if you must. From Current affairs to Documentaries, Classic Literature, Movies, Books of all kinds, Cartoons, anything and the relationship to everything. Always remember Knowledge isn’t power, knowledge is potential power. Power is the time taken to do work, but for work to be done, the definition suggests the application of force. The keyword is Application, Knowledge is just the force. So let’s keep the score coming.

Career: This is probably the hardest part to write about, and that is because we all know what it truly means and fail to admit it to ourselves. So yes, career, while you figuring out your career path is a story for another day, I’ll just assume that you’ve truly figured that out, and it is okay if you haven’t or if you feel sceptical at some point, just think of it as an avenue to restrategize, remap out the course(path) for your life’s journey. That was quite uncomfortable, wasn’t it?
Anyway, the question here, as already hinted in the last half of the preceding paragraph is how well, -often included, do you expose yourself to the “things” related to your chosen career path?

Emotions: Haq! I’m talking about Emotions this is hilarious, thanks to autocorrect hopefully, I spelt it right. This has to deal more with Emotional stability and its accompanying (de)coherence, than the expression and/or possession of emotions. How well of, how separate are your decisions from emotional bias. In other words, are your decision-making skills sentimental in nature, while it’s theoretically easy to say no, it would be nice to give this a more thorough inspection before coming up with a score for yourself that would be somewhat close to accurate.

Spiritual: So, I’m not talking about being religious, but spiritual, as in there exists a relationship between you and your God, through communication via studying, prayer and meditation, being at one with nature, yoga, etc. I’ll give you a hint, “Our relationship with the folks around us is a direct reflection or expression of our relationship with God. “THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT COULD BE A GOOD PLACE TO START”.

Now for some little math, add up the individual scores, divide it by 6 and multiply your result by 10 to get your aggregate score. Now to throw in some anxiety as if enough hasn’t already been provided.

Marks and Grades

100 — 90 __ A
89 — 80 __ B
79 — 70 __ C
69 — 60 __ D
59 — 50 __ E
49 — …. __ F

Life Score = (P+R+I+C+E+S)*10/6

So how low was it? Never mind don’t tell me, I don’t need to know. It’s your self-evaluation, not mine, on the average, humans truly don’t rate themselves that is why your score was probably between a ‘C’ and an ‘E’. But hey, Kudos if you got a B or an A though!

So you’ve gotten your evaluation result, there’s always room for improvement, but that’s up to you and what you have scheduled as regards your journey, over the next 21 days or 30, 21 because it takes 21 days of consistency to get used to something, you could try asking questions about what you could do to improve the individual items in your PRICES list by at least one point or two each. Make a plan, no matter how unconventional it is, after all, there are no rules.

It’s not that deep, life is short, take a deep breath, follow curiosity, it’ll take you to the knowledge pool you so dire need, or at least where you need to be but I honestly wish you nothing short of the best on your journey to self-discovery.


Rating yourself by giving yourself an honest score in the 6 main categories of your life, then finding the average score (in percentage)of all 6 categories summed up.

Thank you guys, Please clap for me and let me know if you found this useful in some way.


An Unrated fellow and his PRICES.

